2013년 9월 18일 수요일

Recalling Lee Man Hee's Cornerstone of Peace on the 220th Anniversary of U.S. Capitol Cornerstone.

Sometimes I like to look at what happened on a given day in history. It is a good excuse to take a look back and see how society has progressed (and regressed). Exactly 220 years ago today, George Washington laid the cornerstone of the United States Capitol. This building "symbolizes the will & strength of the American people and the principles of modern democracy". I wonder if people realized the U.S. Capitol would mean all that it means today, 220 years later. 

As I think about this act, I am reminded of another historic event that I was privileged to be a part of just over a year ago. On September 16, 2012 I was saw Man Hee Lee and members of MANNAM lay a cornerstone for world peace. That day was the World Peace Festival, Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light. This event portrays the will and strength of Mr. Lee and members of Mannam, as well as the promise of world peace. 

Without regards to nationalities, religion, or status in society, 500 celebrities from Korea as well as abroad, 50 broadcasting companies from 20 nations, and approximately 200,000 people from all over the world gathered at the Seoul Jamsil Olympic Stadium.  The torch flames were lit for the first time since South Korea hosted the 24th Olympic Games on September 17. 

This festival the commencement of the world peace movement to the world.  Just as it is mentioned in Mannam's motto, "When light meets light, there is victory," and just as the heavens give light, rain, and air to all without cost, Mannam desires to shed light into the dark parts of the world so that world peace and restoration become a reality.

The unveiling ceremony of the WPI (World Peace Initiative) monument also took place at the festival. The monument was made up of 8,000 people’s messages of hope for world peace and restoration of light.

For the closing ceremony, performances of light were consecutively followed with the message of everyone becoming delegations of world peace and meeting the light of Mannam to light up the darkened world and overcome.

The laying of the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol was a significant day in history. I am confident that in years to come people will look back on the World Peace Festival, Culture and Sports Celebration of Restoring Light as a cornerstone of the world peace the festival and those involved are ushering in. 


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