2013년 4월 18일 목요일

How to start for PEACE

North Korea and How to reach out the world peace in South Korea.

Two countries are at war at the moment in 2013. 
Guess which countries I am talking about. South, Korea and North, Korea are during the war getting such attention from more overseas and less local residents.

As I stay inside of the actual performance place, South Korea, I see how some foreigners get frustrated and many of Korean residents switch it off. 
What is really happening here? 
While I keep considering about it and laughing about it, such a question pops out in my mind. 
Why are they at war? Who invented war? What is war?

I go to Wikipedia to get definition of war. 
I read all the description which could be ambiguous, doesn't really help me either, and realize I am actually just reading it without knowing. 

The idea of war in my mind reaches out the opposite of war, PEACE
Am I able to get peace? 
Peace is a word everyone seems to desire it by. 
Then what is peace? Can I find peace in the world hopefully?

Or one step further, can I produce peace not only in my life but also in the world?
If I am a person who chases for peace, what can I do for it? 
So many questions mingle in my brain, I find some ways to let me get into peace by a practical and amazing volunteer organization, MANNAM.

I see the slogan on the top of my laptop screen, 'Light meets light, there is Victory'. 
I think 'Wow, that's very poetic'. 
Then I check out what they have done, been doing and will do for the world peace. 
I slightly get to know that this organization is different from others. 

Well, good start.

MANNAM website : http://www.mannamintl.org/

댓글 2개:

  1. Let's continue good work with MANNAM so that we can really make world peace in the world:)
