2013년 10월 12일 토요일

MANNAM Runners

I once had the opportunity to run with a few members of the MANNAM International Running Club. They were animated and encouraging. I look forward to being able to run with them again in the future. Until then I would like to share some thoughts I think they would appreciate.

Distance running and pursuing peace have a lot in common:

1. Starting is often the hardest part

I don't how many times I have been tempted to skip a run because I am tired or busy, but five minutes into the run end up thinking, "I cannot believe I almost didn't do this today."

The same is true with acts of kindness and steps towards peace. Laziness, tiredness, or busy-ness can make it tempting to save these things for later. But once I start, I have the same feeling as I do when I was running, "I cannot believe I almost didn't do this."

2. For better results and more joy, include others

I run incomparably better when I have at least one other person to train with. The people I run with seem to perform better too. I also have a lot more fun when others are involved. We can push each other through hard parts of a workout and share the sense of accomplishment.

Working or studying with others is also more productive and enjoyable.

3. Don't give up when you think you can't do anymore...You will discover
    you can do a lot more. 

Getting a second wind is one of the greatest feelings when running. It is sad to see so many quit before they ever reach that point.

This is true not only in running but in so many things people want to achieve.

I love how Man Hee Lee has helped me and so many others discover these (and other) insights about sports, volunteering, and peace. He, through MANNAM, has made starting easy by organizing great and meaningful activities. The activities are generally team or group oriented; encouragement and positivity abound. Finally, whereas even young people get tired or discouraged, Mr. Lee shows us what is possible by travelling around the world rallying people for peace.

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